apps for dementia the benefits and use of apps for people living with dementiaApps for Dementia / DTA Video 32 mins
Dementia progressively challenges a person’s abilities to independently access and engage in activities they find meaningful, interesting and continuous with their life story. Carers become increasingly figural in enabling this engagement. But barriers like lack of funding, carer time and resources mean that opportunities for engagement are often limited, and disengagement commonly results. Touchscreen tablets are an increasingly affordable, accessible, widely socially acceptable and intuitive technology that can overcome some of these barriers. The plethora of apps available for tablets, allows enormous scope for individually tailoring or customising engagement to utilise the person’s abilities, tap into their interests, cultural background and past experiences, and connect them with others.
This presentation investigates, the benefits of touchscreen tablets and apps for people with dementia and their carers; How to select apps that are tailored to the person’s interests, background and abilities; Providing practical strategies for utilising apps to enable the engagement of people with dementia and facilitate social connections.